2012-2013 years:
The SIBMP has been awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the mayor of Krasnoyarsk. The Institute received the status “Best High Schools of Siberia” for the quality of educational services and the high scores on the result of consumers’ surveys.
The Rector of the Institute V. Zabuga was awarded the honorary title “Rector of the Year” for the third time.
The Institute was awarded the annual National Award «Best Company of Russia» in the field of economic development. The SIBMP was included in the register “National Book of Honor” and was awarded a diploma of the International Academy of Management “Regional leader” and the Institute was included in the Federal electronic register “Honor board of Russia”.
2010-2011 years:
The Institute at the final stage of the International competition "Best goods and services of Siberia - Gemma-2009" across the Krasnoyarsk Territory was awarded the Golden Statuette. According to the report of the Committee of Independent Experts the competition's highest-scoring service was the set of educational services, providing by the Chinese center for education and culture.
The Institute was recognized the grand prize winner in the «Best High Schools of Siberia» contest.
According to the consumer surveys over the Siberian Federal District the Institute was registered in the list of registry «Reliable reputation».
2009 year:
The Diploma «Leader of Branch – 2008» for strong and stable economic growth and social responsibility.
State Award for Contribution to Education of the Russian College of Heraldry for outstanding contributions to the society.
The Institute was awarded the Gold medal at a selecting stage of the International competition «Best goods and services of Siberia – Gemma-2012» across Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the report of the Committee of Independent Experts the competition's highest-scoring service was the set of educational services, providing by the Chinese center for education and culture – 82,0 points from 85,0.
2007-2008 years:
TheHonorary Diploma of the winner of the National Award «Best Company of Russia» in the field of economic development;
The Certificate of Merit for outstanding service and the collective contribution to the development of education and promoting of the spiritual and moral education, in honor of 120-year-old anniversary of a great Russian teacher A.S.Makarenko
The Institute was registered in the Russian National Register of «top 100 high schools in Russia» in the category of «Elite of Education in Russia»;
The Institute was awarded the Diploma in the category of «Education» on the proposal of the «Best people of Russia»encyclopedia editorial board and the Public AdvisoryCouncilfor effectiveness and successful work, based on performance in 2007 .
The Institute was awarded the Diploma «Regional leader» of the International Academy of Management for stable operation and development under the modern market economy conditions
In 2004 and 2006 for its achievement in high level educational services according to the world standards the Institute was awarded ranks of the winner in the International competition «Gold Medal» and «European Quality» in the category of "100 best high schools». It has been given order «Sacred Sofia», awarded the diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a city administration of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory.